Is it true that toy terery often break legs?

     General question, what breed of dog to purchase, each must decide for himself. Ideal breed, in my opinion, does not exist. Each has its advantages and disadvantages - Pugs snore, the Bulldogs smothered in hot weather, Yorkshire go to the toilet itself is in a long coat and if you do not wash their hair on the face after a meal, it will stink. A toy terery do occasionally break down the front legs, but that does not mean that they do not break the dogs or the Papillon!
   The fact that toy-terery elongated legs and a little spryamlen shoulder joint, so the slightly reduced cushioning when jumping. But they have broken legs mostly only during the period of 7-8 months and a half years, ie during the active change of teeth, when the growth of new, adults need lots of calcium and it begins to "leach" from the bones. Thus, calcium-depleted bones become fragile, but further calcium from the food returns to the backbone, and he again becomes stronger. Therefore, I recommend at this time more careful with these crumbs: Do not allow to jump from a high of sofas, and even more so - tables, not to encourage too violent games and "race", especially with other, larger dogs. Another piece of advice. It is noticed that most dogs break legs plump - they are heavier for their thin legs - do not overfeed your pet.
 P. S. This paper confirms the information about the propensity of different breeds of domestic animals to certain types of injuries.